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2024-02-09 22:25:43早产难产点击:148

Studies have shown that breast massage to induce labor has excellent effects on the following two categories of expectant mothers.

一个是怀孕的*已经到了到期日,但仍然没有劳动迹象,或者准妈妈患有胎盘,没有子宫收缩。 By massaging the breasts, uterine contractions are promoted and the delivery process proceeds, allowing pregnant women to deliver as expected.


按摩方法:预期的*或其助孕可以服用纯棉毛巾,温度和湿度为28C至30C,并每15分钟交替按摩两侧的乳房; or alternately stretch the breasts on both sides with your hands, and gently press the nipples at the same time. Massage 3 times a day, 1 hour each time. When massaging, you should pay attention to the intensity of the force. After massage, the breasts should be raised and hardened to achieve good uterine contraction effect.

如果预期的*按摩胸部后腹腔的隆起和僵硬,或者腹部疼痛,则表明按摩是有效的。但是,此时不适合随便停止按摩,因为按摩引起的子宫收缩可以促进催产素的代谢。如果按摩停止,它可能会失败并减少催产素的代谢。 Massaging your breasts again to stimulate contractions will seem especially difficult.如果腹痛严重并且间隔很短,则是一种敏感的子宫收缩,太大。应在每个收缩的早期阶段立即停止按摩,然后在收缩消退后重新启动。连续几次后,它将变得正常。此外,对某些乳房按摩不敏感的预期*应适当地延长按摩期间的性时间,以取得良好的结果。


资料来源:Hunan Online- Home Herald

